
Wednesday 6 May 2015



It's time for IWSG! The Insecure Writer's Support Group is the creation of Ninja Captain Alex, and is a great way for writers to share their worries, support and encouragement.

My insecurity this month has definitely been a lack of focus, because after finishing a long series I've absolutely loved writing, everything else seems to be lacking something in comparison. It's taken a while to get excited about other writing projects again! Unfortunately, I've returned to pre-Alliance series drafting speed, where I'm lucky to make 2000 words a day. It's not terrible, but I know I can do better... especially as I'll have to rewrite 60% of it later on. I've pretty much accepted it takes me 6-10 drafts to get the story right, but sometimes, just getting those initial words down is the hardest part!


  1. Yep, I have a much harder time facing the blank page than editing something.

    1. Same here! I have to tell myself that unless I write something, I'll have nothing to edit...

  2. "because after finishing a long series I've absolutely loved writing, everything else seems to be lacking something in comparison"

    Tell me about it. When I began my second story (the first isn't quite finished yet) it took more than a couple of attempts on my first few chapters before I got a sense of the voice I was going to use. Things are beginning to pick up now that I have the voice solved.

    1. Getting the voice right can be the trickiest part. Good luck! :)

  3. Any words is a good thing! Even though you don't have the same speed, keep up the good work!

  4. I'm a bit stuck, too. I wrote a series of 5 and then switched to non-fiction. Now it's tough to switch back.

    1. Jumping between genres/categories is always tricky, too!

  5. Two thousand words a day? I have only hit that once. Crap, I'm just going to stop writing...

    1. Everyone works at different speeds! I also have to do a LOT of rewriting, so drafting fast doesn't necessarily save time!
